Tea & Coffee – Energising or Depleting | Myths and Harms of Tea & Coffee

Tea & Coffee – Energising or Depleting | Myths and Harms of Tea & Coffee

When you feel tired, what do you feel like having?

A cup of tea or coffee?

Have you ever wondered if having a cup of tea or coffee really helps you feel fresh after having it, or is it creating an illusion of feeling fresh?

Coffee or tea are stimulants that affect the function of the central nervous system. It affects the neural activity in the brain and increases alertness while reducing fatigue – similar to alcohol, tobacco, or cigarettes which are also psychoactive substances or nervous system stimulants.

What are the Side Effects of Caffeine

Today, people intake stimulants like alcohol, tea, coffee, tobacco, and cigarettes. The result of all stimulants is stimulation. With their intake, one becomes intoxicated (temporarily) and artificially strong. The second result is that the individual gradually becomes weaker than before.

Stimulants are harmful, including caffeine and sugar-laden tea, coffee, and cold drinks. We take them without knowing what harm they do to the body. Want to know the side effects of caffeine? 

We’ve got all that you need to know.

Read on to learn more!

Weakening of Digestive Power

Most of us must have experienced that our hunger dies out after enjoying a cup of our favorite tea or coffee. Do they have so much nutrition that it satisfies our hunger or is there a darker side to this story??

Tea/coffee act as a central nervous system stimulant; upon consumption, the caffeine in them reaches our brain & induces alertness. It also acts as an appetite suppressant and reduces the natural feeling of hunger, thereby weakening our digestive power. It is a myth that it is good to have tea/coffee to curb appetite to help us lose weight, as this interruption with Mother Nature’s natural processes causes much more harm than good. 

Depletion of the Reserved Quota of Energy

Would you still drink tea/coffee if we tell you that they make you feel energized at the cost of depleting your restorative healing power?

Think about it!

Have you ever wondered why we feel an instant rush of energy after sipping tea/coffee?

We think there is some hidden energy secret in that cozy cup of comforting beverage which makes us feel instantly awakened and energized. But unfortunately, this is not true!

Your cup of tea/coffee has no ‘magic mantra’ for instant energy but instead has central nervous system stimulants. At the time of our birth, we are blessed with a quota of vital force or prana shakti, which is essential for carrying out all the vital functions of our body. Every morning we get a small portion of this vital force to carry out that day’s tasks, and as we slowly grow older, we get lesser vital power each day. This is why we feel more energetic when we are young.

When we consume tea/coffee, they do not provide extra energy; instead, they cause depletion of our stored energy that had been saved for the days to come. This makes us feel energetic at that time, but we do not realize that we are losing our vital energy savings and becoming bankrupt slowly & slowly with each sip of tea/coffee daily.  

As a result, we are responsible for deteriorating the quality of the rest of our life, slowing down our healing, inviting future illnesses & disturbing sound sleep patterns. 

Would you still enjoy having tea/coffee at such a heavy expense?

Increase in the Body Heat

We typically drink tea/coffee during cold weather to beat the chilly weather outside. Our outer body does get warm for a short time due to the stimulants in these drinks. We may feel warm for a while, but after about half an hour, the outer body (external temperature) begins to feel chilly once more due to the cold weather outside but the heat inside our bodies (internal temperature) grows even more due to the hot substances consumed. As a result, the temperature difference between our inner and outside bodies becomes much more significant, and we begin to feel even colder than before.

Stimulation of the Central Nervous System

Have a look at this image!

What if we tell you that both images depict similar scenarios?

When we hit the horse with a whip, it starts running faster, and we think the whip made him feel energetic. Where did he get that energy from? Was the whip capable of giving him the required power? No, not at all…! 

The horse did not gain any power from the whip; instead, it acts as a stimulus for its nervous system and induce a sense of alertness. When his mind & body demanded rest and his speed slowed down, we whipped him hard, and he started running faster. Each time we did this, his nervous system continued to become weaker & weaker as he was not allowed to rest when required. What will be the final consequence?

Ultimately, there will be a time when no matter how hard we whip, the horse won’t be able to move at all as his entire energy would have been drained!

Similarly, when we feel lazy or tired, we conveniently reach out to enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and instantly feel all geared up to jump back to work! We think tea/coffee gives us that instant dose of energy, but this is not true.

When we consume tea/coffee, their caffeine reaches our brains and induces alertness. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that blocks the action of adenosines, chemicals that naturally trigger tiredness in the brain, sending a signal to the body to rest. Each time the brain is not allowed to rest when needed and is forcibly stimulated using these beverages, our central nervous system becomes weaker. 

When you feel tired and gulp down a cup of tea & become suddenly awake, realize that you have not suddenly become well-rested & energetic; instead, tea has acted like a lash on your nervous system. As our nervous system is connected to our digestive system, our digestive power also weakens. Over time, every cup of tea/coffee makes the body weaker & weaker. 

And Finally, a time will come when no matter how many cups of tea/coffee we consume, we will not be able to get up and do work because our brain & rest of the body will have been exploited to the maximum point by then.

Increased Risk of Acidity

Tea/coffee contains water, don’t they? No. 

Tea and coffee have no water (or are not alkaline in nature). These kinds of drinks act as diuretics— they cause increased passing of urine and cause us to lose moisture and become dangerously dehydrated. Tea/coffee leaches out fluids or grease in the body. Tea/coffee makes the body acidic. Drinking it is like drinking osteoporosis (or disease) in a cup. 

It is said that just half a cup of tea is enough to take away all nutrients of the food you had that day. This affects the health of the bones, which can lead to diseases, including osteoporosis. An acidic environment also causes kidney, gallbladder, and skin diseases. Knees lose their grease (or calcium). Suppose you want to heal and live a satvic life. In that case, it is best to avoid tea and coffee, which are harmful and interfere with your healing process and replace them with healthier substitutes like herbal teas, cacao powder & no coffee coffee powder. We have discussed them in detail in the article “The Healthiest Substitutes of Tea/Coffee“.

Tea & Coffee are as Addictive as Alcohol

People usually say, “Alcohol, tobacco, and cigarettes are addictive. Stay away from them!”.
At the same time, they also say, “Come, let’s enjoy a cup of tea/coffee together!”.

Similar withdrawal symptoms
Similar harmful impact
Then why different mindsets?

We now know that the consumption of stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, tea, coffee, cold drinks, etc., immediately energizes one at the expense of depletion of inner vital healing power or prana shakti. This is why such people feel their body breaks down when they wake up and do not feel refreshed & energized. This is because they cannot recognize that they are becoming addicted to it all their life. Their bodies become so used to it that they feel they won’t be able to move without this addictive push. 

Activation of the Mode of Ignorance

All stimulants are tamasic in nature. Upon taking these, one immediately feels energized. But as a result, later, one feels weak. Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol are all potent stimulants. They bring us up and then suddenly dump us down. Under the effect of stimulants, one goes into the mode of ignorance and loses self-control. Tea/coffee containing caffeine are not the exception, and their consumption makes tamas guna active.

The bitter taste of tea & coffee indicates they aren't meant for us.

We know that tea and coffee are bitter by nature, and bitterness is also a characteristic of the mode of ignorance. However, we continue to try to consume these poisonous substances by sweetening them using sugar and milk.

Nature has also given us marijuana or tobacco. We know it is very bitter; hence, it is neither food nor designed for humans to consume. Soda is added to alcohol to mask its bitterness; sugar is added to tea as it is very bitter – we are forcefully drinking these after sweetening them.

Interference with Human Metabolism

Is bed tea the first thing you think about when you wake up?
You need to know more about its bitter truth then!

Tea is bad for health, but consuming it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning is extremely bad! Tea/coffee on an empty stomach interferes with normal metabolic activities of our body and causes uneasiness, stomach cramps, and restlessness. Being a diuretic, it causes dehydration and frightens our internal organs. Our kidneys work harder when we drink tea/coffee and are quickly damaged. 

What other than caffeine makes tea/coffee unfit for us?

The caffeine in it weakens our nervous and digestive systems; the sugar erodes the enamel layer of our teeth, and the milk causes acidity and bloating. It affects our overall health by depleting our vital healing power and has long-term harmful consequences. 

Apart from the ingredients in a cup of tea/coffee, what matters is the time most people consume it. The bed tea ritual being followed in many families today is very bad for health, and it’s high time to change our old belief systems & bad habits. Considering nighttime as ideal for consuming coffee to help you stay awake and keep your body and mind working for longer is an invitation to the poorest health. 


Giving the body’s organs adequate rest and consuming natural food will result in longer and healthier life. It is accurately said that having a disease-free body is the greatest joy. So, jumpstart your mornings with healthy & refreshing drinks instead of spoiling them with bad bed tea!

Read our blog post-https://satviclifestyle.in/healthy-organic-herbal-drinks/ to learn in detail about the healthy and refreshing herbal drink

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