Wet Pack | The Simplest & Most Effective Way to Detox body at Home

Wet Pack | The Simplest & Most Effective Way to Detox body at Home

Just Dip, Wring, Wrap & Detox!

Have you ever wondered why, as children, a piece of wet cloth was kept on our foreheads when we had a fever? ⁣ Because the use of ‘thandi patti’ helps quickly cure fevers, coughs, and colds. But we never knew that it has many more benefits when applied in a particular way (as a wet pack)! To understand how a wet pack can help detox your body, continue reading.

Why is a Wet Pack used?

The root cause of every chronic disease is the accumulation of waste inside the body. Using an enema, we can eliminate the toxins accumulated in the colon. But how do we get rid of toxins accumulated as excess fat around the upper arms, thighs, lower back, abdominal region, or any other parts of the body?

The wet pack is a simple yet very effective method to get rid of toxins logged in different parts of the body and thus helps in curing various diseases. When a wet pack is applied, followed by an enema, the toxins in the body can easily be eliminated, leaving your body clean. 

Following this method is magical for the body to heal. If the build-up of toxins is the cause of disease, then their removal is the cure!

As we lead a lifestyle very far from Mother Nature’s laws, toxins start to build up in the body. All diseases are the result of toxin buildup in the body. There is no reason why any disease cannot be cured if we give our Praanshakti time to do its cleaning and healing work.

Our Praanshakti would require all raw materials to repair the body’s damage caused not only by an unhealthy lifestyle but also by the harmful effects of medication. Our bodies are made up of five elements, and we would need to provide our Pranshakti with an abundance of all five elements for maximum healing – Space through fasting, Air through pranayama and yoga, Fire element through sunbathing every day for 1-2 hours, Water element through enema and wet pack and Earth through Satvic Food. Even if you are healthy and not suffering from fever or cold or trying to heal a disease, you can still benefit from using a wet pack.

What is Wet Pack

Knowing a little about something obviously enhances our curiosity to learn more about it. So, getting deeper into it, it is a set of cotton strips used after soaking in cold water to wrap specific body parts. Usually, three strips are applied to the abdomen, neck region, and forehead.

How does it work?

Now you are at the right place where you would come to know how your fever got cured using that cold strip during your childhood.Applying a wet pack reduces the temperature of some body parts (where the cold strip is applied) compared to other body parts (where the cold strip is not used). This difference in temperature leads to an increase in blood circulation. With the increased circulation, the blood flows to the areas that didn’t have much blood flow earlier

The toxins are also automatically circulated. Applying a wet pack followed by an enema helps remove these toxins from the body. Wastes, clots, toxins, etc., leave their place and finally exit through stool/urine

The Best Thing – It won’t take your much time​

“Sorry! I don’t have time for all this.” Many of you must be thinking this while reading through this article. However, what if we tell you that you don’t need any dedicated time for this? Yes, this is true. We can apply a wet pack any time of the day for just 45 minutes once or twice a day. But don’t worry, you need not sit or lie down while it is on. You can derive its maximum benefit while doing your housework, gardening, cooking, working on the laptop, or meditating.

All you need is three cotton cloth pieces. When we started following the satvic lifestyle, we used cotton bed sheets to make a wet pack. We have noticed that folding cotton clothes and then dipping them in water, wrinkling, and washing them can be time-consuming every day. At Satopradhan, we believe that time constraints should not hinder us from following a satvic lifestyle.

After much research, when we could not find an ideal wet pack in the market, we decided to Be the solution. Satopradhan cotton wet packs are now available on our website. Want to know more about how a wet pack works? Then, watch our video on Wet Pack for Complete Body Detox on our Youtube channel – Satopradhan. Also, you can refer to the Satvic Movement’s video on wet pack for the same.

What’s unique about Satopradhan’s Cotton Wet Packs?

Satopradhan Wet Packs are specially folded to desired length and breadth and stitched for convenient use. These are made of 100% natural, breathable white cotton cloth. They come with excellent stitching quality, good water absorption, and eco-friendly packaging. The premium-quality velcro closure saves all your labor involved in tucking & holding the strip edges in place. Applying a Satopradhan wet pack would take less than one minute of your entire day. They are easy to use, durable & pocket-friendly. Simply Dip, Wring, Wrap & Detox!

There are two versions of the Best-quality Wet Packs available on our online store;

The standard wet pack comes with three cotton strips for applying on the forehead, neck, and abdomen. The long cotton strip can be applied to the stomach and the other two to the neck and forehead. The standard wet pack is ideal for those with a waistline equal to 43 inches.

The extended wet pack comes with five folded cotton strips. It’s ideal for those with a waistline equal to 53 inches or less or those suffering from joint pains. The three strips are the same as those of a standard version with a slightly longer stomach strip and two additional medium-sized strips for aged people or those with joint pains for applying to the affected area.

What’s the secret behind applying strips to three particular areas?

An interesting question which must have been bothering you! Right? Here is your answer. The forehead, neck & stomach; these are the only parts where all the glands controlling our major life processes are found; Pituitary, penial, thalamus & hypothalamus glands at the forehead, the thyroid gland at the neck, and all the digestive glands near the abdomen. So, to help these glands secrete hormones in the appropriate quantities and at the right time, it is necessary to remove toxins from these three areas. But yes, if you have any paints at any joint or any other body part, please make sure you apply the additional two strips along with the three strips at these three parts.

Benefits of applying a Wet Pack?

As discussed earlier, applying a wet pack reduces the temperature of some body parts compared to other body parts. This difference in temperature leads to an increase in blood circulation, which helps wastes, clots, toxins, etc., to leave their place and finally exit through stool/urine. It is a natural and simple method to quickly cure happy diseases like fever, cough, cold, diarrhea, etc. Also, applying wet pack strips on the forehead, neck, and stomach has direct benefits on the organs in these regions, such as;

  • The cold strip applied on the abdomen helps cure all forms of indigestion, including constipation, diarrhea, bloating, acidity, ulcers, colitis, stomach pain, etc. It also helps get rid of excess fat accumulated around the abdominal region.
  • The cold strip applied on the neck can relieve problems like tonsils, thyroid, and throat infections.
  • Wrapping a cold strip around the forehead helps cure headaches, migraine, anxiety, and other mental disorders.

While applying a wet pack, you may notice that after 30 to 45 minutes, the wet pack has become warm, indicating that your body has absorbed the heat. In some cases, it may start smelling a little unpleasant, suggesting that it has absorbed the toxins. Both conditions are the sign that the wet pack is working its magic! But it also warns us to wash it every time.

How to use the cotton wet pack?

Take one big cotton strip and two small cotton strips, dip them in bearable cold water and squeeze out the excess water.

Check for the colored circle on the big cotton strip and align it with your navel, keeping the colored side outwards. Hold one edge and wrap the strip around the abdomen till the other end sticks with velcro. The idea is to keep the navel at the center of the strip width.

Check for the edge with a colored dot and wrap it around the forehead till the other edge sticks to the velcro.
Repeat the same process and apply another small strip around your neck.
Apply for 30 to 40 minutes.
Traveling, but don’t want to miss the wet pack? Feel secured. You can simply order an elegantly designed Satopradhan Utility pouch for carrying Standard Wet Pack and a mindfully stitched  Satopradhan Hand Bag for carrying Extended Wet Pack.

How else can it be used?

Stimulating abdominal wet pack

During cold weather or in case of body weakness, wrap a scarf or any other warm cloth over the wet strips. Sit in sunlight if you are applying during the winter season.

Local cooling pack

A local wet pack can be applied in case of pain or discomfort in any body part due to boils, wounds, burns, stings, sores, ulcers, sprains, fractures, or any other reason. This involves applying a wet cotton strip over the painful area for 30-40 minutes. An Extended Wet Pack is the most suitable in such cases.

Alternate hot and cold pack

The wet pack can be used in severe pain in some parts of the body. Take two small bowls – fill one with cold water and the other with hot water (cold and hot water taken should be bearable). Soak the cotton cloth strip in warm water first, squeeze to get rid of excess water and apply it to the region of pain.

After about 1 minute, dip another cotton strip in cold water, squeeze and apply over the affected area after removing the previous strip. Repeat this process for about 15 minutes. In the end, apply a cold pack over the region of pain for about 20-30 minutes.

This helps relieve pain quickly by increasing blood circulation and getting rid of toxins. You can use an extended version of the Wet Pack for the same.

Using a wet pack is one method to remove toxins from your body. To completely heal your body, we recommend that you follow the entire Satvic lifestyle. To know more about the lifestyle, attend The Health Transformation Workshop by Satvic Movement.

What are the key points you ought not miss?

  • A wet pack can be applied before or after a meal. However, it is advised not to eat or drink anything while it has been applied.
  • You can wear clothes over it, and do your daily while is it applied.
  • In winters, regular tap water (if it is bearable cold) can be used to soak cotton strips and a warm scarf or any other warm cloth can be wrapped over it if needed.
  • It is more effective if followed by an enema since the toxins circulated by a wet pack can quickly exit through stool during an enema.
  • It is recommended to apply all the strips together for the best results.
  • Initially, you can apply it once (preferably in the morning) or twice a day, regularly for 90 days, and then once or twice every week.
  • While suffering from cough, cold, fever, diarrhea, indigestion, vomiting, stomach ache, or any other acute disease, it must be applied 3-4 times a day for quick recovery, followed by an enema twice a day.
  • It can also be applied during menstruation or pregnancy.
  • It is entirely safe for all age groups.
  • It’s best to use a white cloth with no artificial dyes. The toxins in these dyes can be very harmful to the skin, especially when the fabric is wet and kept on the body for a long time.

Are there any precautions?

  • Water used for soaking strips should not be unbearably cold. 
  • A wet pack should not be applied while doing Pranayam or any other exercise as the lungs cannot spread well during its application.

Note: Two versions of the Best-quality Wet Packs (simple and extended) are available on our online store satopradhan.com. We provide you with the most suitable Satvic Lifestyle Resources at the best prices. Our workflow involves in-depth knowledge, rigorous research, careful sampling, and repetitive testing via various parameters before finalizing any resource because our primary goal is to help you maintain good health naturally.

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